Virtuosity is a free, open source game engine that is puts all of the systems that I have built / found together in one easy place. It is designed to make game development faster and easer by automatically doing all of the annoying stuff. Virtuosity is designed for the intended use in Electron.
Virtuosity uses Babylonjs 4.1 for 3d rendering and Pixi 5.3.7 for 2d rendering. Virtuosity also uses howler.js 2.2.1 for audio.
engine2d manages all of the graphics rendered in 2D. It uses Pixi 5.3.7 for rendering. engine2d uses Pixi.js as a base and builds off of it to automatically interact with the rest of the engine, as well as adding custom functions for added features and ease of use for the already existing ones.
engine2d manages all of the graphics rendered in 2D. It uses Babylonjs 4.1 for rendering. engine2d uses Babylonjs as a base and builds off of it to automatically interact with the rest of the engine, as well as adding custom functions for added features and ease of use for the already existing ones.
audioManager manages all of the audio. howler.js 2.2.1. audioManager uses hower.js as a base and builds off of it to automatically interact with the rest of the engine,
Manages inputs for keyboard, mouse, and gamepad
Manages collisions
some data structures not built into Javascript natively
files (documentation is a work in progress)
Runs another NodeJS program in a seperate thread.
methods for manipulating strings
helper functions for stylized printing to the console
various math functions